Research Articles:
If you are interested in a paper, do not hesitate to contact me, I can send you a copy of the article.
- Rivière, G., Delanoë, J., Doyle, J. D., Methven, J., Barrell, C., Fearon, M., Gray, S., Johnson, A., Jourdan, O., Lachlan-Cope, T., Renfrew, I., Torn, R. D., Volonté, A., Weiss, A., Wimmer, M., Aubry, C., Baudoux, A., Bazile, E., Beeden, D., Bennett, M., Biernat, K., Bitz, C. M., Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, E., Bounissou, S., Bray, M., Burg, T., Burzdak, J., Businger, S., Capute, P., Caudoux, C., Cavallo, S., Cossalter, L., Cozzolino, C., Croad, H., Douet, V., Elvidge, A., Finocchio, P., Gourbeyre, C., Harvey, B., Huet, K., Hutchinson, T., Ladkin, R., Marshland, K., Martinez-Alvarado, O., Mioche, G., Pantillon, F., Paquette, C., Parsons, D. B., Persson, O., Raillard, L., Raut, J., Seity, Y., Trules, J., Vignon, E., & Wang, X., (2024): The THINICE Field Campaign: Interactions between Arctic Cyclones, Tropopause Polar Vortices, Clouds, and Sea Ice in Summer, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society , 105, 12, E2330-E2354, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0143.1
- Rivière, G., Raillard, L., Delanoë, J., Bounissou, S., Caudoux, C., Cossalter, L., Huet, K., Cozzolino, C., Jourdan, O., Gourbeyre, C., Aubry, C., Bazile, E., Seity, Y., Douet, V., Trules, J., Doyle, J.D., Pantillon, F., Wimmer, M. (2022): Thinice: campagne de mesure aéroportée dédiée à l'étude des dépressions arctiques et des interactions avec les nuages et la banquise, La Météorologie , 119, 4-5, doi: 10.37053/lameteorologie-2022-0074
- Wimmer, M., Rivière, G., Arbogast, P., Piriou, J.-M., Delanoë, J., Labadie, C., Cazenave, Q., and Pelon, J. (2022): Diabatic processes modulating the vertical structure of the jet stream above the cold front of an extratropical cyclone: sensitivity to deep convection schemes, Weather and Climate Dynamics, 3, 863–882, doi: 10.5194/wcd-3-863-2022
- Wimmer, M., Raynaud, L., Descamps, L., Berre, L. and Seity, Y.(2022) Sensitivity analysis of the convective-scale AROME model to physical and dynamical parameters. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 148, 743, 920– 942. Available from: doi : 10.1002/qj.4239
- Wimmer, M. (2021) : Représentation de l’erreur de modélisation dans le système de prévision d’ensemble régional PEARO, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III
- Rivière, G., Wimmer, M., Arbogast, P., Piriou, J.-M., Delanoë, J., Labadie, C., Cazenave, Q., and Pelon, J. (2021): The impact of deep convection representation in a global atmospheric model on the warm conveyor belt and jet stream during NAWDEX IOP6, Weather and Climate Dynamics, 2, 1011–1031, doi : 10.5194/wcd-2-1011-2021
Conference Papers:
- Plant, R., Hally, A., Lock, S.-J., ..., Wimmer, M. et al. (2022): Summary and Recommendations from Working Group 1: Model uncertainty representations in convection-permitting / shorter lead-time / limited-area ensembles, In: ECMWF Workshop: Model Uncertainyty, 9-12 May 2022, ECMWF, Reading
- Wimmer, M., Raynaud, L., Descamps, L. (2021): Représentation de l’erreur de modélisation dans la prévision d’ensemble AROME par perturbation de paramètres, Rapport Recherche 2021, Météo-France, p34.