Impact of cloud microphysical schemes of global and regional models onthe dynamics of Arctic cylones: comparison with airborne andCloudSat-CALIPSO data
This post-doctoral research project aims to study cloud microphysic representations within summertime Arctic cyclones in numerical weather prediction systems, satellite observations and airborne observations. The approach will be based on several case studies. Different simulations of ARPEGE and AROME, which are the global and regional operational models developed at Météo-France, will be performed. Different set of cloud microphysical schemes will be tested to analyze their effect on the distribution of hydrometeors in clouds. Furthermore, a dynamical study will be realized on the implication of these microphysical perturbations on the heating rates and dynamics through the potential vorticity modification. To better assess the skills of the different forecasts and understand their differences, a comparison with Cloudsat-CALIPSO and airborne datasets gathered during the future field campaign RALI-THINICE in August 2021 will be made.
- Proposal:
- Proposal's presentation:
- Other documents
Presentations (English)
EMS 2023
- Wimmer, M. et al. : « Assessing the cloud representation of two global atmospheric models using multiple overpasses of CloudSat-CALIPSO over an Arctic cyclone », EMS Annual Meeting 2023 , 04-08th September 2023, online and at Bratislava, Slovakia, doi: 10.5194/ems2023-300
IUGG 2023
- Wimmer, M. et al. : « Assessing the cloud representation of two global atmospheric models using multiple overpasses of CloudSat-CALIPSO over an Arctic cyclone », XVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) (Berlin 2023) , 11th-20th July 2023, Berlin, Germany, doi: 10.57757/IUGG23-1968
- Raillard, L. , ..., Wimmer, M. et al. : « Dynamics and cloud properties of Arctic cyclones as simulated with the new limited-area configuration of the DYNAMICO-LMDZ model », XVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) (Berlin 2023) , 11th-20th July 2023, Berlin, Germany, doi: 10.57757/IUGG23-2947
- Vignon, É. , ..., Wimmer, M. et al. : « Advancing the DYNAMICO-LMDZ atmospheric model to improve the simulation of the polar atmosphere », XVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) (Berlin 2023) , 11th-20th July 2023, Berlin, Germany, doi: 10.57757/IUGG23-2419
THINICE Workshop
- Wimmer, M. et al. : « Assessing the cloud representation of ARPEGE and LMDZ using multiple overpasses of CloudSat-CALIPSO over an Arctic cyclone », THINICE workshop , 1st-4th May 2023, online and at Albany, USA
Presentations (French)
- Wimmer, M. et al. : « Assessing the cloud representation of two global atmospheric models using multiple overpasses of CloudSat CALIPSO over an Arctic cyclone », Réunion CYCLONICE/RALI-THINICE , 27th November 2023, Paris, France
- Wimmer, M. et al. : « Impact des schémas de nuages d'ARPEGE et LMDZ sur la dynamique des Dépressions Arctiques : comparaison avec des données CloudSat-CALIPSO », Réunion CYCLONICE/RALI-THINICE , 6th April 2023, Guyancourt, France
JC 2
- Wimmer, M. et al. : « Impact des schémas de microphysique nuageuse des modèles globaux et régionaux sur la dynamique des dépressions Arctiques : comparaison avec des données aéroportées et de CloudSat-CALIPSO », 22ème édition des Journées Jeunes Chercheurs (JC2), CNES , 12-14th October 2022, Toulouse, France